Expandido is a art collective created by two Latino queer artists from Brazil, the playwright and theatre director Marcio Beauclair and the multi-disciplinary visual artist Renato Baldin. Expandido explores new languages and the intersections between theatre, dance, poetry, music, and visual arts and the fragmentation from colonizing definitions.
Marcio Beauclair
Marcio has a post graduate diploma in Theatre/ Directing from Celia Helena Centre for Performance Art in Sao Paulo and a bachelor’s degree in Communications from the University of Rio de Janeiro. Since 2017, he has been dedicating himself o writing and directing independent theatre productions. Beauclair's writing experience comprehends WE'RE ALL BORN NAKED (2017) and S(M)ADNESS (in the process). The Rage of Narcissus is his directorial debut in Canada - as a newcomer artist. He won the grant of the Playwrights Guild of Canada for the adaptation of the play.
Renato Baldin
Renato Baldin is a Toronto-based multidisciplinary artist, activist, curator, and exhibition designer. His current work focuses on immersive art installations reflecting an immigrant and queer perspective. A recipient of the Newcomer Mentorship Grant from TAC in 2022. His recent artworks include ‘The Empathy Museum: Walking in your shoes’ (Brazil, 2017), Rocking Futures (2021), and exhibition design for ‘A Country of a Thousand Colors’ (2022), ‘Queerleidoscope’ (2023 and 2024), and curation of the exhibitions ‘Unnvited Dinner Guests’ and ‘Fluids’ (2024).